Notices from the Editors Wolfram Funk and Alexander Tsolkas.
Dear Europeans,
even though political or ethical trends in Europe go an opposite direction than Sectank does, Wolfram and I – as Editors of Sectank and big European fans – think, that in the future, Europe will not be able to exist without each others countries, not economically, not politically, not in terms of defence questions and not culturally.
And if trends like in the moment signaling something different driven by media, or if certain left or right- oriented politics disturb our freedom, clock our news, we know and we are certain, that the only way in being a brilliant corporation as Europe works by information exchange first, and by the exchange of all of our talents we have. The first thing two people from different geographical locations do when they meet, is to inform and compare. This is by the way the same what childs do. Due to the fact, that Wolfram and I have never lost being childish, we decided that Sectank goes anti-clockwise and becomes a European IT magazine.
We worked the last weeks to finish our Digital Twin in English language, which can be called with the URL for now, which will be our present and future European IT Magazine. Just like its big brother, the well known Germany IT magazine or, we are addressing manufacturers, providers, press, research and marketing agencies, companies, institutions, organizations and universities as well as scientific networks, but even the Freelance Engineer who has to tell us something. Please show and tell us which incredible things you have developed, produced, you provide as a service, or you want to inform us about.
We love to hear from all authors of all states of Europe of their very best things they are able to deliver to us. Please feel free of being invited to participate in this project.
If you are one of this fascinating authors we are searching for, and if you have friends or business partners, please send an email to us and we will authorize you as an author and send you the relevant information you need to publish on your own in our magazine. Please send your emails to… . Wolfram will set your Account and Password and will send you an explanation of dos and donts and how Sectank works.
We love to hear from you s, so please participate. Thanks.
With best intentions
Greetings from Munich and Frankfurt, Wolfram and Alexander